Thursday, July 26, 2012

More textures!

Pic 1: A close look at a section of my installation
Pic 2: Flowers in my garden

 New neighbors. 

This is (a rather large) family of Black and White Hornets that are currently inhabiting the south-east side of one of our sheds. 

I am absolutely in love with natural architecture lately, mostly nests of all sorts. A dwelling. A foundation. A home. 

This has inspired a new body of work, which I will post process shots of shortly.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

 Just a little floral arrangement. 

They smell as good at they look.

Black Eyed Susies and Red Gladiolas. 


Veggies my mom and I picked today after blueberry farming. I must say, our garden is growing lovely! Thank you nature for being awesome and giving us delicious treats!

 Yum. I know what I am cooking for dinner tonight...

Cucumbers, Purple Peppers, Green and Yellow Beans, Tomatoes, and Peas. 

Food porn.

If you know me, I love macro and micro. 

I think I will incorporate this texture into a sculpture I am currently working on for an installation in Toronto, On as part of Blackoutfest.

Will see how it goes...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Nature-led, I dig.

I was blessed to be featured in Toronto's, The Grid in preparation for my thesis exhibition at The Gladstone Hotel in Toronto ON, along with my thesis Printmaking class at OCAD University. 


You can read the article with more clarity here.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Blueberry Love

Instead of running in the rat race of Toronto and being a cubicle desk jockey, I opted for picking and grading Blueberries. 

I love it. 
Everyday I surrounded by nature; bugs, plants, and delicious blueberries.

Here are some photos I took of the grading machine, which, well, grades the blueberries before they are shipped out to our customers

Bluejay Blueberries

I love Bugs

These are some photos I took in my backyard at night while having a cup of tea looking up at the stars.

I sense these images will become pen and ink drawings. 

Bugs are rad. 

This is a Wood Nymph Moth (Eudryas grata)

Kindred spirits... I think yes.

Moths are butterflies of the Night.

 June Bug (Phyllophaga)

After spending the last two hours trying to determine this specie of moth, the search was unsuccessful. 

Perhaps it is a new specie. 
(doubt it) 

Time to invest in a moth handbook.