Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I recently purchased some clay board, and I have to say I am in love with this material. The boards are made out of kaolin clay, then coated with India Ink ( or white if you would like to use a specific color) 
 I like this process because of its portability, the idea that your drawing negatively, and that it reminds me of scratching on a lithostone - so this preliminary drawing gave me an idea what to do next on the lithostone.

Drawing - Organism

Sketchbook drawing I recently completed while riding on the 'Silver Snail' (Toronto's newly updated subway).


This is something I am currently working on, between Lithography and randomly drawing in my sketchbook - this is a linoblock - approx size being, 1" X 3".

I silk-screened the image you see onto the linoleum block so I would have a blueprint, illustrating the areas of removal. I drew inspiration from the various types of fungus that I was exposed to on hikes and walks I took when I was in Yellowknife.

Working in my studio - smokes, check, carving tools, check, sanity... (I'll get back to you after I complete the laborious process of removal) 

Close up

 Close up

Duration: Prediction - 1 week, maybe less - if I don't sleep.

The Book as a Specimen.

We took a trip down to Toronto Reference library at Bloor and Yonge for George Walkers Bookbinding class,  fall of 2011 and were able to select any book we wanted (that was up for adoption) and alter it. I grabbed a high school biology book, who could resist microscopic imagery...

Well I couldn't.

The idea I had was, The Book as a Specimen. 

As Egon so elegantly states in the film Ghostbusters, "Print is dead," he couldn't be more right -  Ebooks, Ejournals, E ... everything - divorcing the analog process of images and words to digital reproductions on your iphone, thus forcing the traditional printed book into obsoletion -

Becoming specimen like, 
 (great time to pursue a career in printing I must say).

Even now, limited addition books are sought out by collectors, pending on the author or illustrator - so I wanted to marry the lingo of science to the printed book.

Specimen and book

Book as a Specimen 
Shadow box, Coptic Stitched Book, Watercolor Painting on Mylar

First, I constructed a shadow box out of recycled wood which I found in my dads garage (thanks dad!) After the box was complete, I began the construction of the booklet, now knowing the approx size I was allotted. I went with a Coptic style stitch for the book for aesthetic reasons, not so much to do with the content of the piece. 


 Inside the book their are a series of paintings that either were completed on Mylar, or watercolor paper. It varies from watercolor washes to ink drawings that resemble some of the microscopic matter I witnessed in the high-school biology book.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

More Work

A collection of older works that I finally got around to scanning, in between watching 80's music videos and tweeting. And yes, I realize the titles of my pieces are boring.



'Blood Culture #2'

'Lunar Surface'

 'Marbled Organism'

'Organism # 8'
Lithograph and Digital

'Blood Culture'

'Cross Section of Organism # 10'
Ink on Mylar

'Organism # 11'

'Beached Whale'

Monday, September 12, 2011

More Organisms

Here are a few more mini paintings/drawings I have been working on over the past few weeks in dedication to thesis.

Organism #4
Watercolor, Pencil, Ink
4x3 (Inches)

Organism #5
Watercolor, Pencil, Ink
4x3 (Inches)

Organism # 6
Watercolor, Pencil, Ink
4x3 (Inches)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Again with the Organisms...

Organism # 3

Ink and Digital

It's Been Awhile - (Staind Style)

I know, I suck. It has been a long while since I last updated this so called blog, but I have a good excuse, I was saving panda bears from killer bamboo pirates...
I was in Yellowknife, close, minus the bamboo (and maybe the pirates)
Twas a grand adventure filled with magic and awe which truly fueled my concept for thesis. Northern lights, Foxfire bioluminescence, rock formations and the abundance of anorexic trees. I drew a lot while I was there, either at work, sitting on a rock overlooking Great Slave Lake or coming home at 3am from an excessive night of drinking. I got a lot of preliminary sketches, concepts and thoughts down in the notebook and I have already begun exploring how to translate those ideas onto the stone - or what ever creative outlet that would best articulate said ideas.

Organism Formation #1
Lithograph and Digital

I want to take elements from various lithographic washes, then apply the selected formations into a drawing. It's going to be a game of going back and forth from litho to drawing either with pens, pencils, watercolor etc - this process will ultimately determine the final 'organism.'

Organism #2
Watercolor, Pencil, Ink